Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Costume selection pop-up / drop-down not working?
21-Sep-2021 at 8:46 AM #12678ggg-webmaster
Keymaster** UPDATE ** The costume dropdown now appears on the San Anselmo event. Thanks, Steve, for bringing this up to our attention!
In reply to: Costume selection pop-up / drop-down not working?
20-Sep-2021 at 10:49 PM #12676ggg-webmaster
KeymasterThanks for the heads up! It appears as if the event isn’t using a Costume ticket which would display the Costume dropdown. Let me follow up with the EC who created that event.
In reply to: “Home” page not appearing when logged in
08-Jul-2021 at 4:50 PM #12171ggg-webmaster
KeymasterHi, Roger! I think I fixed it. Let me know if you still experience that error!
In reply to: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
08-Jul-2021 at 4:37 PM #12170ggg-webmaster
KeymasterCools, thanks!
In reply to: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
29-Jun-2021 at 11:44 AM #12030ggg-webmaster
KeymasterRobert! I gave you the North Bay Squad designation but do you prefer East Bay instead?
In reply to: Forum Testing
29-Jun-2021 at 11:39 AM #12029ggg-webmaster
KeymasterConfirmed, Trooper!
In reply to: Thank You for Your Service Variant Coin ***Closed***
29-Oct-2018 at 10:03 PM #5986ggg-webmaster
KeymasterPP sent for 5
Transaction ID: 83B44132F37939254Please ship with clone coins
01-May-2018 at 10:47 AM #4374ggg-webmaster
KeymasterRoger Ramirez
+1 guestIn reply to: [closed] Forum button suggestion
09-Feb-2018 at 7:41 AM #3597ggg-webmaster
KeymasterHey Keita,
I’ll look into this option. I didn’t see it with the initial install, but will research it a bit more.Thanks for the suggestion!
RogerIn reply to: [Golden Gate Garrison Standards and Practices v01.2018]
10-Jan-2018 at 3:11 PM #1472ggg-webmaster
KeymasterGolden Gate Garrison Standards and Practices
In their simplest forms, the Golden Gate Garrison Standards and Practices can be boiled down to two concepts:
1. Don’t be a [jerk]. (a modification of the “Wheaton Doctrine’)
2. We’re all adults, so let’s act like adults.When it becomes necessary to spell out these two concepts in fuller forms, and to outline – more specifically – GGG expectations, we now have this document.
Event expectations
Events and trooping . . . it’s what we do. It’s what we enjoy, and in the Golden Gate Garrison we’d like all trooping experiences to be enjoyable, fun, and safe.Before attending an event:
• Please read the event description, its requirements and any special instructions for the day.
• Before you sign up for an event, please make sure you can go. As a courtesy for the host organizer, we always need to confirm attendance numbers in advance of an event.
• Understand the nature and the length of the event. If you attend an event with the GGG, you will be expected to be in costume or act as a handler for the full length of the event. If you cannot be there for the entire length of the event, let the GGG event coordinator and Team Leader know your plans in advance. Agreement for a member to attend part of an event is at the discretion of the GGG event coordinator and you may be asked to step aside for someone who can fulfill the entire event. However, if you do have special circumstances, please contact the event coordinator and team leader to explain your situation — in most cases, special circumstances can be accommodated, because – more than anything – we just want to troop together, and share our STAR WARS love with others.
• We understand that circumstances can change,. If there are any reasons you are not able to attend the event, please inform the GGG event coordinator as soon as possible. This, in some cases, can give the GGG the opportunity to allow another member to attend in your place. Please consider keeping the event coordinator and team leader’s telephone numbers close by, so you may contact them as soon as you discover there is an issue.
• It is generally considered very poor manners for a member to drop out of a charitable troop in favor of a non-charitable/higher-profile event. For example, dropping out of an autism walk because a last minute event at LFL came up would be considered an act of very poor taste and judgment, and may affect your eligibility for trooping SPEC OPS events in the future.
• Members are required to sign up for an event via the event ticketing system, this is on a “first come, first served” basis.
NOTE: Exceptions to this rule occur in very specific SPEC OPS cases, where the “look” of a costume becomes very important to a high-profile event requester (such as LFL, Disney, Make-A-Wish, etc.). In these cases, Garrison Command (normally working directly with the event requester) will offer costumes based upon members’ abilities to portray their characters within strict Disney/LFL and STAR WARS Universe expectations and preferences. This situation is not our “normal,” but there are times when Garrison Command will need to make a “casting” decision. These decisions will be made as fairly as possible.
• Do not ask someone else to sign up for you if you are unable to do so yourself. If there is a problem accessing the event ticketing system, please let a member of command staff know immediately. Although we are volunteers the act of volunteering commits us to fulfill an agreement.A special note about Fair Day’s Wage events: Because the 501st Legion is a volunteer organization, and because we are not allowed to profit from our use of the STAR WARS intellectual property, Fair Day’s Wage events (paid events) may not be counted for Tour of Duty (TOD). Please check with the Garrison Commanding Officer on these particular events if you have any questions.
Event Behavior Standards
Please also note that the Golden Gate Garrison standards for behavior come from common sense, the 501st Legion’s Charter and Operations Protocols, and from the LFL/Disney preferences expressed to us.• When in costume at an event, you should stay in the character appropriate to the costume that you are wearing. This is one thing the Golden Gate Garrison is known for, and it is this reputation for professionalism that has allowed us to become a Garrison that enjoys a close relationship with Lucasfilm. Please try to uphold this at all times while in public in order to maintain the “magic” of being in the presence of “real” characters from STAR WARS.
• Please do not do “normal person stuff” in costume when in view of the public, such as: use your mobile phone, go shopping or carry shopping bags, drink at a bar, stand in line for the restroom, eat lunch, bet on a horse, etc.
• Remember to be the character, not just someone dressed up as the character. Try to include the public in the act — you are in character, so interact with the public as that character…within the limits of what the public would expect for your character.
• Please adhere to “general expectations” of that character in public (what the average STAR WARS fan would expect to see/hear from your character). Please do not decide that your character is the “super gregarious trooper,” and insert yourself into other people’s lives — if you (or a handler) think/perceive that an audience member may not be okay with you coming on over/fist-bumping/talking to them, do not force the interaction (as one example).
• When in costume, you are expected to stay in full costume while in the public eye.
• Please do not remove your helmet, other armor parts, or any other parts of your costume. Exceptions to this are:
— When instructed by the police or a similar authority
— In the event of an emergency
— When staying in costume is a health and safety risk to you or a third party
• At an event it is vital that you pay attention to the designated Team Leader and any handlers tasked with looking after you. Follow their instructions; help them to help you.
Example: Please don’t ignore a handler’s telling the public that there cannot be photos because the appearance team is moving by saying “OK” to a photo right after a handler has said “no” — it confuses the audience and causes your handlers to feel that you don’t respect them.
• Prop weapon expectations (Please also refer to the GGG Blaster/Weapon Handling Policy — ):
— Be responsible and sensible with prop weapons while in public.
— Be sure to index your trigger finger (to keep it flat alongside your blaster rather than on the trigger)
— Do not point the barrel-end of a blaster at any guest or member of the public
— Do not perform “execution” types of arrests/actions
— Do not hand your prop weapon to members of the public
— Safety is paramount and if you are ever told to holster your weapon by a member of the GGG crew or event staff, or by the authorities, it is essential that you comply.
• Adhere to any specific rules and guidelines for an event and pay attention to any briefing given. Information or requirements may change during an event. Please be flexible and maintain a positive attitude.
• Alcohol or other intoxicants before trooping is discouraged; use of alcohol or other intoxicants while trooping is not allowed. Additionally, please do not allow your STAR WARS character to be photographed pretending to drink alcohol (or holding a drink) or make use of other intoxicants while on or at a troop. Intoxicated members will be immediately instructed to leave events. See: situations
• We are sometimes offered perks and gifts which the member is at liberty to do with as they wish. If offered money please politely decline. You may accept a small direct amount to cover parking fees or reimbursement for a meal if offered, however (ideally) these would be comped with no money changing hands.
• Do not ask for goods or donations from the event hosts or staff. Donations have been determined during the event request process. If someone from an event host, or their associate, approaches you regarding donations, please refer them to their GGG event contact, or to our Garrison website.Wearing GGG/501st Legion gear in public or at events
• When wearing Golden Gate Garrison and/or 501st Legion apparel/branded gear, you are actively representing the Legion and the Garrison. Being asked about what the 501st Legion is creates an amazing opportunity to spread our “Bad Guys Doing Good” credo, and allows us to recruit prospective members as well, which then creates good feelings among the public for our organization. Please be mindful of your actions when even unconsciously representing the GGG/501st Legion.Non-GGG events
• If you attend a non-GGG event in your GGG-approved costume, it is expected that you follow all GGG Standards and Practices. If you are a guest of one of our partner organizations, it is expected that as a GGG member you will not only follow the rules and guidelines of the host organization, but also all of the GGG Standards and Practices, because you are representing the Golden Gate Garrison.Handler Expectations
We are very lucky to now have a robust and wonderfully functioning handler program, with handlers who are both regular members and associate members who are friends and family. The presence of our handlers has made trooping considerably safer than it has been in the past.
• All members who wish to be handlers for the Golden Gate Garrison must take part in a handler training call before they can be allowed to handle 501st Legion characters at an event. This ensures consistent training and expectations among all handlers.
• Handlers are expected to wear GGG/501st Legion approved clothing/apparel. This helps the public and the event organizers identify you as GGG.
• When dressed in Golden Gate Garrison apparel you are representing the GGG and the 501st Legion. Maintain a professional attitude and demeanor at all times.
• Be available for the entire duration of the troop. Anything else is unacceptable.
• Do not wander off, take naps, leave once an event-specific item is received or signed, or any other form of ignoring the safety and well-being of costumed members.
• Handler priority is the safety and support of the costumed appearance team. Everything else (photos, etc.) is secondary.
• Handlers are there to be in service to the costumed troopers. Handlers are there to “support the show,” not to “be the show.” Handlers must keep the safety and well-being of the costumed members their paramount responsibility.General forum and social media rules
• Written communication can be misinterpreted; this is a fact of life. Be mindful that your comments on the forum may be “taken the wrong way” or simply misunderstood. Please word your statement carefully and read it through before you post it to the forum. Note: The use of emoticons can help make clear the tone of your post.
• Flaming, baiting, spamming or trolling is strictly prohibited on our forums, which also includes our Facebook page, and any other related page or social media platform that is GGG-related (or Legion-related). Any evidence of this will result in the post being removed, and action may be taken against the poster.
• Ensure that you post your comments in the appropriate section of the forum. If you are unsure where your post should go, read the “sticky” instructions at the top of each forum section or the “Forum rules” link at the top of the section which details any rules specific to that forum. Any posts that are in the wrong forum section will be removed, or moved to the correct section.
• The “sticky” instructions posted at the top of each forum and/or the details in the “Forum rules” link are the rules for that particular forum section. Make sure that you are aware of these rules before posting. These instructions are subject to change, so please review them regularly.
• The content of personal mail/private messages is confidential and for the intended recipients only. If the original sender did not post the content to the GGG forums and social media pages, please do not post copies or replies without prior agreement of the originator(s).
• If you believe the content of a private message or email sent through the GGG forums and/or GGG social media platforms (or regarding GGG personnel or events) may breach any of the rules or cause personal offense, or if you believe a private message or email warrants further investigation, please bring it to the attention of the Command Staff.Inappropriate use of the forums and social media platforms
Examples of inappropriate use of the forums and GGG social media platforms include, but are not limited to:
• The accessing, saving, or distributing of any content that might constitute bullying or harassment on the grounds of gender, sexuality or sexual orientation, race, religion or belief, disability, size, or age.
• The accessing, saving or distribution of any form of pornography, obscene or other offensive material.
• The unauthorized accessing, alteration, saving, or distributing of confidential information about other members, the 501st Legion, or Golden Gate Garrison.
• Disclosure of your forum or related passwords to any other individual.
• Accessing the account of another member, with or without their permissionThe GGG Command Staff has the final decision as to whether they consider material to be inappropriate or offensive. If users receive material that they feel is not appropriate they should notify a member of the Command Staff who will advise them what to do.
The 501st/GGG is not in the practice of policing personal social media pages. We understand and support the concepts of freedom of speech and freedom of action. However, if personal choices attract negative LFL/Disney attention, GGG or Legion communication or action may be deemed appropriate.
Garrison Election Rules
When an election occurs within the Garrison (GCO, squad leaders, etc.) the following rules will be adhered to during the election process.General Rules:
• Signatures may contain campaign signs or graphics no larger than 720 x 100 (text should not be made larger than standard forum font size; animated GIFs in signatures are to be removed). Please keep all campaign signs tasteful.
• Avatars may be used for campaigning, within Legion form rules and limitations.
• Candidates may use one or the other (signature graphic or avatar) but not both.
• Previous rules on campaigning outlined in the election guidelines still apply (see the Legion Forums for the guidelines).
• Posts deemed as “flames” will be edited or deleted upon judgment of the Legion Captains of the Guard or the assigned moderator.
• If a member does not like a candidate’s answer, goading the candidate into a prolonged fight or “discussion” in an attempt to make them bend to the questioning member’s point of view is not permitted (simple fix: don’t vote for that particular person). For the purposes of Garrison elections, all negative campaigning is considered “flaming.”
• No passive-aggressive, leading questions designed to embarrass, humiliate, or otherwise maneuver a candidate into a corner. Just as we expect candidates to be fair to members and each other, we expect members to be fair to all candidates, whether you agree with them and their points of view or not.
• As stated above, all negative campaigning is strictly prohibited. Candidates and their supporters are prohibited from making negative posts or comments about other members. All campaigning must be focused on the candidates’ strengths and visions for the garrison. This includes Garrison election campaigning conducted through private channels (email, PM, etc). Negative campaigning is destructive to Garrison morale and opposes everything we stand for. One Garrison, One Mission, even during election season. Violations of this may be subject to immediate disciplinary action.
• Candidates, like all Garrison members, are prohibited from reposting private communications without permission. Violations of this will be subject to immediate disciplinary action.
• Candidates are expected to confine all campaigning to discussions of issues of general concern to the Garrison and the Legion. All campaigning, including Q&A answers, should be confined to content readily available to the membership as a whole so all troopers have equal access to the material in question. References to private conversations in particular are prohibited, and references to specific past events are discouraged.
• Please respect the wishes of Legion and Garrison members and avoid spamming them with repetitive e-mails, messages, and phone calls. If Legion members ask you not to contact them regarding elections, please respect their wishes.
• The CoGs and the moderating team reserve the right to delete or edit any posts that violate election guidelines. Please be aware that their decisions are final.
• If a member is asked to “cool down” by the moderating team or the CoGs, then PLEASE do so. Disrespectful commentary is not appropriate, and we would rather members take a moment to cool off than post something that would require a disciplinary response.**Anything not expressly addressed herein may be subject to additional rulings as determined at any time by the Legion Captains of the Guard. Candidates and voters are expected to comply. This list is not an all-encompassing list of rules. Other rules may be added or modified as the situations require. Any issues may be brought to the Legion Captains of the Guard, or the appointed moderator(s), who are responsible for overseeing this process. Any decision made by the Legion Captains of the Guard are not open for debate, it is final.
Complaint Resolutions
All complaints should be received in writing so there is a record for all parties.How to raise a concern or complaint:
• If you have a concern or complaint about another member (including a member of Command Staff or associate member), you should bring it to the attention of the GCoG in the first instance.
• If the GCoG is unavailable, unable to satisfy your complaint/concern, or is the subject of your complaint/concern then the issue can be directed to the XO or CO.
• After this stage the person to whom you raised the complaint will advise you of the escalation procedure, which for 501st issues will ultimately be the LCoG.
• All complaints will be dealt with as confidentially as possible and according to GGG (and 501st) rules as applicable.
• The level of any disciplinary action to be taken will be determined on a case-by-case basis. This may range from a short suspension from the forums or Garrison social media platforms, to exclusion from the GGG (and the 501st if applicable) and any detachments associated with the 501st Legion.
• General concerns are welcome in the GGG Virtual Suggestion Box, but if you want an action to take place, inform the CO, XO, or GCoG.BE AWARE: Complaints made anonymously or unofficially (when a member has an issue, but refuses to have their name attached to the complaint), may not get dealt with due to the inability of the complaint to go to a hearing (if such a step would be necessary). In most cases, members are wonderful about hearing complaints and adjusting their behavior, but in the instances when members choose to continue that behavior, and the discipline process needs to move forward, complaints without complainants (people refusing to give names when they have a complaint) cannot move forward in the discipline process, resulting in ongoing problems that can affect many members.
Complaint Resolution and Discipline procedure
Note: In most cases, the preferred handling of incidents will be at the most basic and informal level possible. However, in the event we need to go through a formal process, the following will serve as our Garrison’s model.Charter violation issues
If any member believes that another member has violated the charter, the following steps will be taken:• Level 1 Resolution – Contact Garrison CoG. CoG (and possibly CO and/or XO) will review the issue and, if a charter violation is confirmed, a command staff member, usually the CO, XO, or CoG, will contact the member who may be in violation of the charter. The matter is brought before the member’s attention, and the member is given an opportunity to mend the issue through an apology or other appropriate action. If Level 1 fails to resolve the matter, CoG, CO, and XO may contact Legion Command to discuss elevating the matter to Level 2.
In some cases, local-level discipline may occur, such as limitations to events, communications channels, etc.
• Level 2 Resolution – ADR or Hearing. If an LCoG determines an ADR or hearing is warranted, an LCoG will be in charge of the situation. The process will have left local hands, and will be directed by the Legion. The LCoG will determine the final outcome.
The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it is Lucasfilm’s preferred Imperial costuming group. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.
Jon “CareTaker” Nagel
Golden Gate Garrison
Garrison Captain of the Guard
510.326.2389 c
Diana Wolf Torres | TK-95020
Executive Officer / Golden Gate Garrison – e
408.427.7137 – c_________________
Kyle Beagle | TK-91305
Commanding Officer | Golden Gate Garrison
Imperial Attaché | First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment – e
408.687.6112 – c- This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by CareTaker.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by CareTaker.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by CareTaker.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by CareTaker.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by CareTaker.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by CareTaker.