• 17-Jan-2020 at 9:13 AM #9127
    Brett A. FishkinBrett A. Fishkin

    Greetings GGG,

    We will have a visiting member from Garrison titan the first weekend of Feb.

    A meet up is planned at Athens Burgers in Dublin at 5PM on Saturday Feb 1

    Athens is well known to the East Bay Squad. Great food, easy freeway access & lots of parking.

    All members, handlers, friends & family are welcome.

    Bring swag to trade & share.


    18-Jan-2020 at 7:40 PM #9138
    Matthew MalmgrenMatthew Malmgren

    I’ll be there!

    26-Jan-2020 at 3:40 PM #9173
    Gordon Goochgooch9164

    I will be there

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