• 28-Mar-2022 at 5:08 PM #13880
    Jeremy DizonJeremy Dizon

    Hey ya’ll! It’ll be my 1st Celebration and I definitely want to suit up. My Death Watch helmet gives me limited visibility to see so for safety purposes, I need to roll with non-bucket wearing folks (I want to limit the number of kids I bowl over).

    Anyone want to suit up as a group one of the days or a few hours or something? Or would be willing to let me join their group? Lmk!

    31-Mar-2022 at 3:57 PM #13890
    Keita MoriwakiKeita

    I’ll be around, probably ID and/or IN, with a retired member who will probably be likewise open-faced. We can keep an eye on you if you like.

    31-Mar-2022 at 10:13 PM #13898
    Jeremy DizonJeremy Dizon

    Dope! Let me know when ya’ll are planning to roam around and we can work it out! Thanks!

    01-Apr-2022 at 1:42 PM #13919
    Vince Vigil23Vince23

    Dee and I will be suiting up as Zuckuss & Boushh at some point, Ayden will help handle for us.. If your interested 🙂

    01-Apr-2022 at 5:02 PM #13924
    Jeremy DizonJeremy Dizon

    For sure, Vince! Would call myself lucky rolling with ya’ll!

    02-Apr-2022 at 8:39 AM #13927
    Diana Wolf Torrestk95020

    @Keita- >>I’ll be around, probably ID and/or IN, with a retired member who will probably be likewise open-faced. We can keep an eye on you if you like.

    Would love to spend some time walking around with you. It’s been a while since we’ve trooped together. Let’s touch base as the time gets closer so we can meet up. I think I may primarily just be bringing open-faced costumes, as well.

    14-Apr-2022 at 10:21 AM #14030
    Craig GaylordBatlord77

    I believe I’ll be either ID or hopefully have my TI armor finished. But I can also trade that for TI reserve. So, I’m down.

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