30-Apr-2018 at 1:42 PM #4360
Moderator-SOLO: A Star Wars Story
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Like The Force Awakens, Rouge One and The Last Jedi last year, Disney this year is allotting five tickets for fans to attend the red carpet premiere of Solo A Star Wars Story in Hollywood on May 10th (a Thursday). These members of the 501st Legion would participate in the event, and like last year, you will be positioned near the red carpet and invited to the premieres after party.This year we will be sharing those seats with TOD (Costumed / Non-Costumed) leaders based on availability and mission reports filed in 2017. We are recognizing the women of the Golden Gate Garrison and only the women of the GGG were considered. These women have gone above and beyond the call of duty with their continued support of this Garrison and its members, taking leadership roles and inspiring another generation of young women while supporting events & charities.
The Golden Gate Garrison is allocated (5) seats with a (2 ) alternates. Therefore, the Golden Gate Garrison (5) invitations have been extended to:
Amanda Lee Harringtona – Confirmed
Brandy Nolte Rodriguez – Declined
Kim Minitk – Confirmed
Gynnie Lindquiste- Confirmed
Dee Ellington – Confirmed
Jenn Chase – Confirmed
Stacy Meyn – Alt #1
Jessica Morris-Fishkin – Alt #2
The member must attend and cannot replace themselves or gift their seat to another member. Security is very tight and members will have to be on the Disney security list prior to attendance with required photo ID at time of entrance.
Also, there are certain rules that I will share with those members that are eligible and able to attend.Thank you
- This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by 23Vince23.
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