• 20-Jan-2018 at 8:42 AM #2168
    Kyle Beaglekylebeagle

    *****Social Media Guidelines for Golden Gate Garrison members FB page*****

    The CO/XO/CS asks of the Garrison to be responsible for their requirements to stay in good standing and be active Members within the Golden Gate Garrison of the 501st legion. We are all adults who are capable of holding ourselves responsible, being active, and being accountable for keeping in contact with the CO and Command Staff regarding Garrison issues or membership questions.
    Our Golden Gate Garrison Member’s Facebook page is primarily a NEWS/INFORMATIONAL channel for communication and sharing of announcements. Moving forward, all comments will be “Turned Off” on most posts. There will be exceptions to “Turned Off” comments” such as, new member/additional costume announcements or if the CO/XO/CS specifically need membership feedback. The intention is to utilize our GGG Member’s FB page in order to provide GGG Members updates on matters associated with our operation:
    • All events are to be posted here and linked to the GGG Forum
    • All merchandise runs are to be posted here and linked to the GGG Forum
    [Golden Gate Garrison – Member Page]
    The communication that takes place in this secret group is considered CONFIDENTIAL and PRIVILEGED communications among CURRENT 501st Legion / Golden Gate Garrison Members ONLY.

    The ENTIRE contents of the communication are private and should be treated as such.
    Private means the intended recipients are Members of the 501st Legion / Golden Gate Garrison.
    Sharing of information VERBALLY or in any form is prohibited and violation of the private nature and confidentially of the communication.
    The practice of cutting / pasting, copy / pasting and taking screen images / shots / grabs is strictly forbidden, along with any other similar practices.
    Third parties and those who are not members in good standing should not receive any content of this group or these pages.
    Membership privileges could be impacted in the case of discovery of any such practices.
    If any Member of this group has exception to this, please contact a Garrison Command Staff immediately. Please DO NOT take matters into your own hands.
    Golden Gate Garrison Command reserves the right to provide oversight over this communication channel while providing administrative functions.
    Hope this helps with understanding of the use of this group and moved us forward.

    *****Social Media Guidelines for Golden Gate Garrison members in general*****

    Some content adapted from the “501st Legion Social Media Guidelines”

    When we make an appearance in costume, we are in the public eye representing the 501st Legion. Social media also puts us in the public eye, but it does so in a different way.

    Events end after a few hours. Social media keeps us in the public eye 24 hours, 7 days a week. We have to remember every comment, post, share and like we make is a reflect on the Golden Gate Garrison.

    Basic rules

    -Think before you post.

    -Every post, retweet, link and picture you share is a reflection of who you are, (a member of the Golden Gate Garrison.)

    – Of course, you have the right to freedom of speech.

    – If you want to post indiscriminately, remove all affiliations to 501st/GGG.

    For our external sites:

    – Always use the “grandma/boss/first grader” rule. Ask yourself: “Would it be OK if I my grandma, my boss, and a class of first graders saw my post? If you answer no to any of the above, don’t post it.

    – When it doubt about anything you have already posted, take it back down.

    – Social media offers us the ability to correct our blunders by deleting postings. Do so.

    For our internal sites:

    – Avoid becoming a keyboard commando.

    – If you wouldn’t say it in a face-to-face conversation, don’t say it online. If your comment starts a flame war, douse the fire by deleting your post.

    While we should always be conscious of our language and audience no matter where we post, it is especially critical to be mindful of our audience on our external/public pages. If you are confused about whether you are posting on an internal or external site, contact a member of the command staff for guidance.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by kylebeagle.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by 23Vince23.

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