10-Jan-2018 at 10:22 PM #1478
Keymaster[GGG – Sharing of Photos / Videos / Other Media]
Attn: Golden Gate Garrison Members and Contributors…
In the spirit of volunteerism upon which The 501st Legion and The Golden Gate Garrison are founded upon. All contributions are given freely without expectation of any form of compensation.In keeping with this theme the following is our preference.
As it relates to sharing and transfer of photos, videos, and other media with The Golden Gate Garrison | 501st Legion presently and in the future.Members and contributors do so freely, on our own accord without expectation of reimbursement in any form or kind.
Unless, otherwise agreed to in advance and in writing.
Upon transfer of the media to The Golden Gate Garrison so to does the transfer of authorized use occur. Ownership of the media remains with the originator.
In the case of credit required by the originator / owner to be tagged or otherwise expressed the orginator must do so by the means of watermark for Garrison Social Media Managers to duplicate on the posting and/or sharing.
In the event the originator / owner does not want the image shared publicly then please do not transfer or share with The Garrison.
When choosing not to transfer use or share, please assist us in furthering our cause by tagging Golden Gate Garrison content and subject matter: #501st #501stLegion #501stGGG
Additionally:We do not post with Member Names.
There are two distinct reasons…
1. Privacy
2. Credit for service to the Empire (501st Legion) is a team/group effort and does not solely rest with one individual.
By referencing the TKID it reflects our values and points back to The 501st Legion without whom we do not exist.
—Thank you.
Kyle Beagle | TK-91305
Commanding Officer | Golden Gate Garrison
Imperial Attaché | First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment
kbeagle@msn.com – e
408.687.6112 – c- This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by kylebeagle.
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