• 21-Mar-2022 at 9:41 AM #13860
    Vince Vigil23Vince23

    Hello All,
    Dee and I will be onsite from 25th thru 30th, All days of Celebration, Disneyland and of course Star Wars Nite.
    We hope to snag a few Dinner reservations in the parks to share a meal with some of you and legion family.

    25-Mar-2022 at 7:04 PM #13869
    Edwin GalarzaEdwin Galarza

    I might be heading that way for a birthday on the 21, since it’s close, I might just stay down there if I can find a place to sleep at. I got Hotel for the 26 to the 29 but nothing before than yet.
    Do want to maybe go to Disney while I’m down there, military discount seems pretty good for the park tickets.

    31-Mar-2022 at 1:52 PM #13888
    Vince Vigil23Vince23

    Military discount is really good, compared to buying tickets at the Parks.

    Hopefully we will run into each other..

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