• 07-Feb-2018 at 10:19 PM #3574
    Jon NagelCareTaker

    Post your questions for Keith here.

    08-Feb-2018 at 10:22 PM #3587
    Thomas NewmanDTCorvus

    As it pertains to armor/costume build parties, how often do you see them happening and how will you be announcing them to new recruits and Garrison members?

    08-Feb-2018 at 10:28 PM #3592
    Michael Howardsuperbee

    Hello Keith , just a few questions.

    1- If you become NBS leader, how do you plan to balance your Work, Life and NBS duties ?

    2- What plans or ideas do you have for the coming up year ?


    10-Feb-2018 at 8:38 AM #3614
    Thomas NewmanDTCorvus

    A “Costume Mentor” program was mentioned. This is something that I have never heard of, is it new?
    How does this program work?
    How would you go about promoting this?

    12-Feb-2018 at 12:24 PM #3670
    Keith WaechtlerKeith

    Thank you all for your questions and involvement in the process.

    Over the weekend I spent a lot of time thinking about our amazing squad, and I have decided to withdraw from this year’s election. I am very proud of what we accomplished in our first year as a squad, and I am excited to see what Dee has in store for us this year. I am confident that she will do a fantastic job as Squad Leader and offer her my full support and my personal congratulations.

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