• 01-Mar-2018 at 5:40 PM #3830
    Brett A. FishkinBrett A. Fishkin

    The Golden Gate Garrison succeeds in our mission to help people and charities through a mutual love of Star Wars by finding and promoting events in our communities. We encourage individual members to reach out in your community and spread the word about the 501st Legion, our mission and charity work.

    With that in mind we still need to follow some guidelines on how to engage with possible Event Requestors. Your role should be as a facilitator between the GGG’s events coordination team and your potential event requestor. If they’d like detailed information please refer them to both the GGG site (https://www.501stggg.com/) and the Legions website (https://www.501st.com/mission.php).

    When an event requestor would like our help, they MUST fill out the event request form located on the GGG website (https://www.501stggg.com/event-request/) The event requestor must complete the form and provide their contact information so the EC team can respond to them directly. Due to potential liability concerns any event submitted to the EC team without direct contact to the event requestor will be rejected. If after initial contact is established the event requestor approves a non-EC team member to act as their liaison with the Garrison this can be arranged provided the event requestor remains in cc on any relevant conversations. We do encourage our members to request the garrison support for personal events such as armor parties, photoshoots and the like.

    If you have any questions about how to approach potential event requesters, what type of businesses and events we can support or any other questions please refer to the OPS Protocol (https://www.501stggg.com/forum/topic/golden-gate-garrison-standards-and-practices/#post-1472) or ask a member of the events coordination team!

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