• 19-Jan-2018 at 10:57 AM #1931
    Jon NagelCareTaker

    Post subject: My SC Scout Trooper WIP for 501st Application
    PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:31 pm

    I’ve been cataloguing my Scout (TB) build for 501st entry for the past few months and today, finally submitted my application shots. I’ll be adding my photos and wip shortly to the thread but would like to begin it with my submission photos along with photos “just for fun” with my DLT-19. Please excuse the wampa wear tag on my glove, gotta photoshop that out! All sewing work was done by myself and my wife.

    Breakdown of items:

    Armor: Studiocreations (SC)
    Helmet: SC
    Gloves: Wampawear
    Body Suit: Redkap with mods
    Flak Vest: T-shirt stitched up
    Boots: Target workboots with marine vinyl
    Weapons: HFX (Hyperfirm)

    I will be providing details shortly as to how items were made and basic cost soon for those interested.


    Phong Tony Le (just call me Tony)

    from: shenphong

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by CareTaker.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Jeremy Dizon.

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