• 11-Jul-2018 at 12:07 PM #5118
    Vince Vigil23Vince23

    [Golden Gate Garrison CRL Requirements and Standards v07.2018]

    As you all know very well, the 501st Legion/Golden Gate Garrison is the premiere costume club for screen-accurate “bad guy” costumes from the Star Wars universe. Our “claim to fame” is the creation & use of screen-accurate costumes. Essentially, it should be difficult for someone to tell one of our costumes from a “real” one from the movies. When people request an appearance from us, they expect to see the best & most accurate costumes out there… and we are happy to deliver just that here in the Bay Area, with such requests from Disney/LFL, Make A Wish, Hospital visits, Autism Speaks, professional sports teams among a few examples.

    It has recently come to the attention of the Command Staff that some members are embellishing their costumes with non-CRL accessories. This is not appropriate at most of our events, as outlined below. Our main focus is that we show up at every event as “canon” characters, which most of us fall under. The expectation at canon events is that troopers are wearing their normal, approved costumes.

    Some Non-canon/special exceptions events are less strict in this regard. Adornments can and have been approved through your CO/XO for special events, such as Comic Con, holiday parades like a July 4th parade or a Christmas themed event. As these events can be more relaxed in nature, all adornments must be handled respectfully and approved prior to any event. It’s important to remember that we are still representing the 501st Legion to the public.

    The Command Staff/GML will monitor CRL compliance with members and address concerns with those members who are not compliant with the CRL at the time of their approval. The concern here is simply members not matching the CRL in which their suit was approved. Another concern is members showing up with unapproved adornments and/or the switching out of items that are not part of their approved costume. For example, pauldron on a costume that does not have one, GoPro cameras affixed to the costumes, costumes that require ammo pouches that are missing, broken armor pieces held together with duct tape, or pants switched out to unapproved pants, just to name a few. Things like these may impact whether or not you troop or receive credit because they are not part of 501st CRL. The Command Staff will continue to honor the grandfathered rule for costumes in the 501st Legion. Having said that, the majority of GGG members have respectfully followed these rules of the 501st Legion and Command Staff will address concerns with individuals we see out of CRL compliance.

    If you have concerns and want to make sure your suit/armor is up to standard, please feel free to ask or submit photos to your CO/XO or GML.

    Vince Vigil | CC-23000
    Commanding Officer
    The 501st Legion
    Golden Gate Garrison

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