• 05-Dec-2021 at 11:39 PM #13208
    Diana Wolf Torrestk95020

    Hello All-

    Seems like it was just March and we were launching the first of our member newsletters. It’s been a year of many changes as we transitioned from “When can we troop? I miss trooping soooooo much!” to “Wow! Our first troop, (but only five of you can come…)” to “These events need some love! Please support!”

    As we end the year, each member of the command staff reflects back upon 2021 in their own unique way and looks ahead to 2022. We also have a special bonus section with photos from pre-COVID holiday parades and a few stellar photos from the 2021 holiday trooping season.

    Thank you all for being a part of our garrison family. Looking forward to creating many more memories together in 2022!

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