• 03-Nov-2021 at 7:59 PM #13017
    Gynnie LindquistGynnie Lindquist

    GGG Gift Basket fundraiser
    To benefit Toys for Tots!!!

    Nov 3rd – 28nd: Command Staff, Squad Leaders, Fire Teams & GGG Members – create a team and make a
    basket for raffle. Team size: 1 – 50 members.

    By Nov 28th: Send in a picture of your completed basket with a list of what is included To Gynnie

    Nov 29th – Dec 10th: Donate to Toys for Tots and complete form for tickets. 1 ticket for every $2.00 and
    15 tickets for $20.00 donated to Toys for Tots. Form will be available beginning Monday,
    November 29th.
    ****EmailMe Form – GGG Gift Basket Fundraiser**** NOW CLOSED

    Dec 11th at 7pm: Drawing for baskets will occur on zoom call. Link will be posted morning of 12/11/21.
    You DO NOT have to be present to win!

    Zoom link:

    Gynnie Lindquist is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: 2021 GGG Gift Basket Fundraiser
    Time: Dec 11, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 851 0136 6626
    Passcode: 071261
    One tap mobile
    +16699009128,,85101366626#,,,,071261# US (San Jose)
    071261# US (Tacoma)



    ****WEAR an ugly SWEATER on Zoom call Dec 11th for our UGLY SWEATER contest!!!!****

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    29-Nov-2021 at 6:01 PM #13182
    Tony OlmsteadTony Olmstead

    These are great baskets!! I am putting it out there now. I willing to beg, borrow and trade if I don’t win the East bay squad basket. Good luck to everyone and let’s raise some money for Toys for Tots!

    03-Dec-2021 at 8:57 AM #13199
    Kyle BabbittKyle Babbitt

    I can only select that I donated $100 in the form, but I donated more so I’m just going to select the 100 and put the number of tickets I would get for $140 into the raffle. Thanks!

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