• 25-Aug-2018 at 12:38 AM #5399
    Rene Raygoza jr.Raybot55

    Looking to sell my wampa ware tie flight suit. Size says small but fits me perfectly at 5′.5″ and about 150lbs. Also has Elvis trooper code cylinders (3ea) and belt(size 32-34 waist) and already painted com pad. Asking $200 + shipping.

    Send me a text and post here if interested
    Ray 707-515-5462

    17-Jul-2019 at 10:05 PM #7744
    Keita MoriwakiKeita

    Interested to know if still available?

    23-Jul-2019 at 7:28 AM #7777
    Rene Raygoza jr.Raybot55

    Sorry for the late reply, it has been sold.

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