• 07-Jul-2021 at 6:10 PM #12146
    GGG Webmasterggg-webmaster

    Greetings to all Imperial Citizens,

    Your Emperor sends his appreciation for all members who have verified their forum information and access. He is most pleased that the Golden Gate Garrison continues to contribute in the fight against those who oppose order and peace.

    Parading stormtroopers

    I am happy to announce the forum has now officially launched!

    The work doesn’t end though as your Web Team will continue to enhance the forum to better suit
    the needs of all of you, the amazing members of this Garrison. With the new folder structure, there is now a place to contact us when a member encounters any issues on the forum, found here. There, you can also submit further enhancements to make your experience better and better.

    Thank you again for your tireless patience and support.

    For the Empire!

    07-Jul-2021 at 7:22 PM #12150
    Javier PazJav

    Awesome!!! Thank you!!

    07-Jul-2021 at 7:35 PM #12155
    Steve SilvaSteve Silva

    Excellent. Thank you.

    07-Jul-2021 at 8:07 PM #12157
    Danny FerarenDanny Feraren

    Thank You!

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