• 20-Jan-2018 at 9:20 AM #2186
    Kyle Beaglekylebeagle

    CODE OF CONDUCT | 501st Legion / Golden Gate Garrison

    – The 501st Legion recognizes that its costumes represent characters from the STAR WARS™ films and as such, costume-wearers carry the responsibility of portraying these characters professionally and tastefully while in public. For these reasons, all members are prohibited from acting in a manner disrespectful towards the image they are portraying, towards fellow organization members, or towards the public at large while in costume at any event where the 501st Legion or its sub-units and members are official participants.

    – The 501st Legion / Golden Gate Garrison maintains that part of the fun of trooping is to be able to do so in reasonable safety. It is the intention of the Legion to provide an outline of behavior wherein it has a Code of Conduct for the safety and security of its members the Legion defines the behaviors thought by society to be violent, illegal, or anti-social in nature. It is not the intent of the Legion to abridge the standard rights or practices of the individual member, but rather to protect all members against suffering from the defined behavior. In any event, common sense must prevail.

    – Harassment is defined as the act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions of one member or a group of members, including but not limited to spamming, trolling, threats, and demands via phone, voice mail, forum, electronic social media or in writing of any kind. The purposes may vary, including but not limited to racial prejudice, religious prejudice, sexual orientation prejudice, personal malice, an attempt to force someone to quit the club, grant favors of any kind, apply pressure to commit an illegal act, or merely gain sadistic pleasure from making someone fearful or anxious.

    – Harassment takes many forms, and is not necessarily limited to the type of language used, but the intent. Repeatedly targeting a specific member with harassment can lead to more severe action. The idea behind this is to prevent any one member from consistently being uncomfortable in the forums or at troops. This category includes but is not limited to both clear and masked language, images, and/or links to websites containing such language or images which insultingly refer to other members or groups of people resulting in ongoing harassment to those other members or groups of people.

    – Threats are defined as a declaration of an intention or determination to inflict punishment, injury, or harm against a person or property of an individual including but not limited to phone calls / voice mail, forum, electronic social media or in writing of any kind. Threats must be direct and unmistakable to the average person. This category includes but is not limited to both clear and masked language, images, and/or links to websites containing such language or images which refer to violence in any capacity that is not directly related to the costume / fantasy world.

    – Spamming / Trolling is defined as, but not limited to, excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish, creating posts for the sole purpose of causing unrest in electronic social media or the forums, Examples include but are not limited to causing disturbances such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters, making non-constructive posts, abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages, IBTL (In Before The Lock) comments, or any other fad statements.

    – Racial Prejudice is defined as, but not limited to, both clear and masked language, images, and/or links to websites containing such language or images which promote racial/ethnic hatred, are recognized as a racial/ethnic slur, or allude to a symbol of racial/ethnic hatred.

    – Sexual Orientation Prejudice is defined as both clear and masked language, images, and/or links to websites containing such language or images which insultingly refer to any aspect of sexual orientation pertaining to themselves or other members.

    – Religious Prejudice is defined as, but not limited to, both clear and masked language, images, and/or links to websites containing such language or images which negatively portray major religions or religious figures.

    – Legion Command / Garrison Command Staff reserves the right to evaluate each incident on a case by case basis. The action Legion Command / Garrison Command Staff takes may be more lenient or more severe depending on the specific situation. It is the intent of the Legion to give members the benefit of the doubt with regards to offenses and reduce the need to discharge members; however, Legion Command reserves the right to deem any offense worthy of hearing where discharge is considered.

    Membership in the 501st Legion is a privilege granted by this private organization, not a social or legal right.

    501st Legion Link: https://databank.501st.com/databank/OperationsProtocol#Section_1:_Code_of_Conduct

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by kylebeagle.

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