• 04-Oct-2018 at 9:42 PM #5745
    Adam Goetztr97666

    Make sure you fill out your census completely!

    You will go to the main 501st Legion message boards. Once you log in select “Membership DB” in the upper left corner. Then “Census”. Scroll to the bottom and fill it out COMPLETELY with the event name AND date. Also make sure you select “Yes” for is the information correct. You can also edit any personal information if it has changed.

    Remember in order to retain Active status you will need to fill out your census and have at least 1 costumed troop by November 1st. Failure to have both can result in a move to Reserve and if you are already there, can result in being Retired from the Legion.

    Any questions feel free to email or fb messenger me. Thanks!

    Adam Goetz

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