• 30-Nov-2018 at 9:54 AM #6263
    Brett A. FishkinBrett A. Fishkin

    Greetings GGG.

    We have received the following invite from the CCG:

    To sign up, go to the CCG website:

    Description: The Toys For Tots event being held at Target in the Davis area has requested our participation along with our droid buddies from the Astromechs of Sacramento to help encourage fans and the public to donate for this worthwhile cause.

    Groups Invited:
    1. Astromechs of Sacramento
    2. 501st CCG
    3. Rebel Legion

    Event Name: Toys For Tots

    Event Date: Thursday 12/6

    Event Time: 5pm to 8pm. Participation time is open and flexible

    Location: 4601 2nd street Davis Ca. 95618

    Parking: Lots of available parking at target for us to use

    Secure Changing Area: TBA

    Blasters: Blasters and lightsabers are ok.

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