• 11-Jan-2018 at 3:42 PM #1489
    GGG Webmasterggg-webmaster

    [Alcohol and Armor Don’t Mix | Member Safety]

    Within the next month or so, the Golden Gate Garrison Command Staff will be introducing a document of “Standards and Practices.” Below is a preview of one of the pieces of information contained within:

    “Alcohol before trooping is discouraged; alcohol while trooping is not allowed. Additionally, please do not allow your STAR WARS character to be photographed pretending to drink alcohol (or holding a drink) while at a troop.”

    Yes, we are all adults, and many of us are of drinking age, but due to safety, liability, and Disney/LFL preferences, it is important that we discuss alcohol and trooping.

    Consuming alcohol before or during a troop invites many unneeded problems. Drinking alcohol before a troop creates the risk of the effects getting more intense as heat builds up inside a member’s bucket, much like actors who drink before going onstage and, once under the lights, pass out or become suddenly WAY more inebriated than they had intended (which is why actors who drink before they go onstage are usually fired when caught).

    Drinking alcohol before or during a troop is a bad idea for a multitude of other reasons. A tipsy trooper can easily damage the host’s location or equipment, make poor judgments about behavior, or otherwise reflect poorly on the Legion and create a situation where the Garrison is liable for damage. Additionally, if a tipsy trooper gets into a car accident after the troop, the host can be held legally liable for serving or selling that trooper alcohol, and the last thing we need is “I invited the 501st and they cost me 7.5 million dollars in legal fees and fines.”

    Also, due to our relationship with Disney/LFL and our mission as a Legion, we have a responsibility to portray our characters appropriately when we are in public or posing for photos that can be released to the public (which nowadays is *all* photos), and troopers with drinks in their hands are very much against that respectful character portrayal that Disney/LFL trusts us to embody and safeguard.

    To be clear, in no way are we as a command staff saying that drinking is always discouraged, forbidden, or even bad. This is just a friendly reminder that alcohol and armor don’t mix. . . . and please make safe decisions, because we want to see you at the next troop.

    Thank you all for your time.

    Virtual Suggestion Box (VSB): http://bit.ly/2mxIxmb

    Jon Nagel | TI-4884
    Garrison Captain of the Guard
    Golden Gate Garrison
    501st Legion
    caretaker@sonic.net – e

    Diana Wolf Torres | TK-95020
    Executive Officer / Golden Gate Garrison
    tk95020@gmail.com – e
    408.427.7137 – c

    Kyle Beagle | TK-91305
    Commanding Officer | Golden Gate Garrison
    Imperial Attaché | First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment
    co@501stGGG.com – e
    408.687.6112 – c

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by ggg-webmaster.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by kylebeagle.

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