• 03-Jan-2025 at 3:31 PM #19490
    Gynnie LindquistGynnie Lindquist

    Date: January 25, 2025
    Time: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM

    – 12:00 PM: Check-in and shoe pickup
    – 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM: Unlimited bowling
    – 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM: Raffle drawing & bowling awards

    Bel Mateo Bowl
    4330 Olympic Ave, San Mateo, CA 94403

    $180 per lane (up to 6 participants, including shoes).
    13 lanes available.

    Bring your bucket, join the fun, and enjoy an afternoon of bowling, swag trading, and a raffle—all for a great cause!

    All proceeds from the raffle will support George Mark Children’s House in building a new all-abilities playground.

    • How to Sign Up:

      1. Gather your team (up to 6 participants)
      2. Choose a team captain
      3. Pick a team name
      4. Select your pizza order by 1/19/25
      5. Complete registration and submit pizza choice
      6. Pay the entry and pizza fee by 1/19/25
    • Event Details:

      This is a private, members-only event, but friends and family are welcome to join your team. Preordering food is encouraged, though the Bistro will be open.

      Bowling Championship and Prizes:
      From 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, each team will bowl and submit their best individual scores. Awards will be given for:
      – Best Team Score
      – Best Team Attire
      – Highest Individual Score

    Link to Register: EmailMe Form – 2025 Bowling With Buckets Registration

    Note: Further details about the raffle, mystery swag bag raffle, and event patch orders will be shared separately.

    This event has an open invitation to RL and MMCC

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