• 23-Jan-2024 at 9:03 PM #17591
    Sara BermudezSara Bermudez

    Hello GGG!
    It’s time for the 2024 Legion and Garrison elections!

    Every member of the 501st can exercise their Imperial democratic right to choose their leaders, at both the local and the global level. You can vote for Legion Commanding Officer, Garrison / Outpost CO, Squad Leader if you are a squad member, and – where you are registered and active in one or more Detachments, for the respective Detachment Leaders. Eligibility to vote for Detachment Leaders requires an approved affiliation with the Detachment as well as an active registered account on the Detachment forum that has logged in within the past year. If needed, please get in touch with your DLs for assistance.

    All nominations and voting will occur in the 501st Legion Elections portal here: https://www.501st.com/elections/

    Below is the 2024 election schedule for the Legion and Unit General Elections.


    Start: Jan 28th @ 4:01 PM PT
    End: Feb 2nd @ 3:59 PM PT

    Q & A’s:
    Start: Feb 2nd @ 4:01 PM PT
    Ends: Feb 7th @ 3:59 PM PT

    Closing Statements:
    Start: Feb 7th @ 4:01 PM PT
    Ends: Feb 8th @ 3:59 PM PT

    Start: Feb 8th @ 4:01 PM PT
    Ends: Feb 13th @ 3:59 PM PT

    Elected Positions Take office:
    Feb 18th @ 4:01 PM PT


    2024 Election Rules

    General Rules:
    Not knowing these rules is not an excuse for breaking them.

    1. Forum signatures may contain campaign signs or graphics no larger than 720 x 100. (Text should not be made larger than standard forum font size. Animated GIFs in signatures will be removed.) Please keep all campaign signs tasteful. Campaign Signature banners must be removed/changed as soon as elections conclude.
    2. Avatars may be used for campaigning, within forum limitations and must be removed/changed as soon as elections conclude.

    3. Candidates may use one or the other (signature graphic or avatar) but not both.

    4. You cannot use contact lists collected/generated for official Legion purposes for campaigning. This includes official forum mailing lists/newsletters or official social media group list functionality. Any email or message sent in regards to elections should only contain links to the Legion Election forum and encourage members to read, decide, and vote. Any campaigning that is done outside the members-only forum of the relevant unit (regardless of whether the area of off-forum campaigning is “private”, “secret” or otherwise of privileged access) is prohibited. Candidates and their direct team may use such private off-forum groups to coordinate their campaign if they choose, however.

    5. There are specific rules and guidelines for the Questions Thread on the Legion Forums; other units may adopt similar if they choose.

    6. If the Legion Election Moderator team is satisfied that any breach of election rules, social media rules, or general forum rules is ultimately attributable to a candidate, regardless of how the evidence was obtained, penalties may be imposed on that candidate, including invalidation of candidature.

    The Code of Conduct and Legion Forum Rules continue to apply, with any modifications as found in this post. Do not use the forum’s private messaging system to harass or bully other members for posting questions or otherwise participating in elections.

    The Legion does not proactively police Facebook and other social media. However, what you say and do on social media can reflect negatively on the Legion and/or still be actionable if reported and judged to break the Code of Conduct.

    Keep campaigning and electioneering off social media platforms, and keep it restricted to designated Legion-internal areas.

    Posting a notice to your members/legion friends “Legion Elections are taking place, please participate!” is acceptable. Bashing a candidate in favor of another, spamming members to vote for one member over another, posting rants, and similar are not acceptable. If in doubt, ask. As a side note to #4, there is a fine line between seeking interested parties to form a team, and outright campaigning.

    **Anything not expressly addressed herein may be subject to additional rulings as determined at any time by the Legion Captains of the Guard. Candidates and voters are expected to comply. This list is not an all-encompassing list of rules. Other rules may be added or modified as the situations require. Any issues may be brought to the Legion Captains of the Guard, or the appointed moderator(s), who are responsible for overseeing this process. Any decision made by the Legion Captains of the Guard is not open for debate, it is final. Garrison Captains of the Guard will hold the Garrison elections and will consult with Legion Captains of the Guard as necessary.

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