30-Jan-2022 at 10:26 PM #13458
Sara Bermudez
ModeratorHello GGG,
It’s time for the 2022 Legion and Garrison elections!!In February, every member of the 501st has the opportunity to exercise their Imperial democratic right to choose their leaders, at both the local and the global level. You will be able to vote for Legion Commanding Officer, Garrison / Outpost CO, Squad Leader if you are a member of a squad, and – where you are registered and active in one or more Detachments, for the respective Detachment Leaders. Eligibility to vote for Detachment Leaders requires an approved affiliation with the Detachment as well as an active registered account on the Detachment forum that has logged in within the past year. Please see your DLs for assistance in sorting that out.
All nominations and voting will occur in the 501st Legion Elections portal here: https://www.501st.com/elections/
The schedule of the 2022 election is below, and is the schedule that Legion and Unit General Elections will be following.
Start: Jan 31st @ 12:01AM GMT
End: Feb 4th @ 11.59pm GMTQ & A’s
Start: Feb 5th @ 12.01am GMT
Ends: Feb 9th @ 11.59pm GMTClosing Statements:
Start: Feb 10th @ 12.01am GMT
Ends: Feb 10th @ 11.59pm GMTVoting
Start: Feb 11th @ 12.01am GMT
Ends: Feb 15th @ 11.59pm GMTElected Positions take Office:
Feb 21st @ 12:01AM GMTGarrison Election Rules When an election occurs within the Garrison (GCO, squad leaders, etc.) the following rules will be adhered to during the election process.
General Rules:
– Signatures may contain campaign signs or graphics no larger than 720 x 100 (text should not be made larger than standard forum font size; animated GIFs in signatures are to be removed).
– Please keep all campaign signs tasteful.- Avatars may be used for campaigning, within Legion form rules and limitations.
Candidates may use one or the other (signature graphic or avatar) but not both.
Previous rules on campaigning outlined in the election guidelines still apply (see the Legion Forums for the guidelines).
Posts deemed as “flames” will be edited or deleted upon judgment of the Legion Captains of the Garrison Guard or the assigned moderator.
If a member does not like a candidate’s answer, goading the candidate into a prolonged fight or “discussion” in an attempt to make them bend to the questioning member’s point of view is not permitted (simple fix: don’t vote for that particular person).
For the purposes of Garrison elections, all negative campaigning is considered “flaming.”
No passive-aggressive, leading questions designed to embarrass, humiliate, or otherwise maneuver a candidate into a corner. Just as we expect candidates to be fair to members and each other, we expect members to be fair to all candidates, whether you agree with them and their points of view or not.
As stated above, all negative campaigning is strictly prohibited.
-Candidates and their supporters are prohibited from making negative posts or comments about other members. All campaigning must be focused on the candidates’ strengths and visions for the garrison. This includes Garrison election campaigning conducted through private channels (email, PM, etc). Negative campaigning is destructive to Garrison morale and opposes everything we stand for. One Garrison, One Mission, even during election season. Violations of this may be subject to immediate disciplinary action.
-Candidates, like all Garrison members, are prohibited from reposting private communications without permission. Violations of this will be subject to immediate disciplinary action.
-Candidates are expected to confine all campaigning to discussions of issues of general concern to the Garrison and the Legion. All campaigning, including Q&A answers, should be confined to content readily available to the membership as a whole so all troopers have equal access to the material in question. References to private conversations in particular are prohibited, and references to specific past events are discouraged.
-Please respect the wishes of Legion and Garrison members and avoid spamming them with repetitive e-mails, messages, and phone calls. If Legion members ask you not to contact them regarding elections, please respect their wishes.
-The CoGs and the moderating team reserve the right to delete or edit any posts that violate election guidelines. Please be aware that their decisions are final.
-If a member is asked to “cool down” by the moderating team or the CoGs, then PLEASE do so. Disrespectful commentary is not appropriate, and we would rather members take a moment to cool off than post something that would require a disciplinary response.
**Anything not expressly addressed herein may be subject to additional rulings as determined at any time by the Legion Captains of the Guard. Candidates and voters are expected to comply. This list is not an all-encompassing list of rules. Other rules may be added or modified as the situations require. Any issues may be brought to the Legion Captains of the Guard, or the appointed moderator(s), who are responsible for overseeing this process. Any decision made by the Legion Captains of the Guard are not open for debate, it is final. Garrison Captains of the Guard will hold the Garrison elections, and will consult with Legion Captains of the Guard as necessary.
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