• 05-Nov-2018 at 10:04 PM #6040
    Robert StevensonRobert Stevenson

    **************** November TOD Update ****************
    Howdy all,
    It’s that time of year to double check your TOD’s. Mission reports for 177 events have been submitted. Based on those, 155 troopers have appeared in costume and 108 people participated in a non-costumed capacity.

    We’re down to ~20 missing mission reports. If you were at one of those events, awesome and thank you, but it’s not a TOD until someone posts a mission report so go bug the team lead or feel free to write it.

    The link to the tracker can be found here:

    The following events in the next couple weeks could use some love:
    [2018-11-17] ConEX Comic Con & Exotic Animal Expo
    [2018-11-17] Star Wars Family Fun Day Fairfield
    [2018-11-18] ConEX Comic Con & Exotic Animal Expo

    50+ Missions in Costume
    Ricky Resurreccion
    Reno Rodriguez

    25+ Missions in Costume
    Dee Ellington
    Danny Feraren
    Gordon Gooch
    Amanda Lee Harrington
    Gynnie Lindquist
    Vincent Vigil Jr

    10+ Missions in Costume
    Sha Sha Chu
    Jessica Morris-Fishkin
    Craig Gaylord
    Ryan Isbell
    Renaldo Mandi
    Stacy Meyn
    Kim Minitk
    Jon Nagel
    Mark Preader
    Carlos Quezada
    Ray Raygoza
    Dwayne Smith
    Garrett Steele
    Diana Wolf Torres
    Kris Yalung

    25+ Missions in Support
    Brandy Nolte Rodriguez

    10+ Missions in Support
    Jenn Chase
    Brett A Fishkin
    Liz, Milian
    Tracy Newby

    For everyone writing mission reports, if you could do me some favors:
    -Have your name in your signature or have the site display your name rather than your handle
    -List who was in costume and who was a handler/table/photographer/etc.
    -Multi-day troops need to have attendance broken down by day or I’m only counting attendance once

    Any feedback, suggestions, corrections, or churros are appreciated.


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