Date(s) - 2025-03-22
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Event Name: CarrierCon!
Venue: USS Hornet Museum
Venue address: 707 W Hornet Ave, Alameda, CA 94501
Appearance Call-Time: 0.5 – 1 hour before your start time
Appearance Start: 10:00am
Appearance End: 4:00pm
Event Website:
Expected number of attendees: 2500
Requested number of characters: Any
Requested character types: Any
Secure changing/staging area: Yes, specific layout TBD. It might be pipe & drape, it might be a permanent room.
Handler/Photographer: Yes
Weapons/Masks: Masks not required, helmets okay. Blasters, lightsabers, staffs, all ok. PLEASE REVIEW THE PROP WEAPON POLICY BELOW. Prop weapons must be peace-bonded.
Parking: Free parking. Do not park immediatley alongside the ship, park in the large lot
TICKETS REQUIRED: Con Tickets will be required for admission to the con and the area that we are appearing. Tickets are not yet available for purchase, but will be available at the Hornet website when they are available. Use discount code 501L for a 15% discount off the list price. We will get 2 comp tickets. First priority for the free tickets will go to the team lead(s), set-up, and tear-down
Charity: TBD
Note: we will no longer be approving tickets until someone has stepped forward to be the Team Lead. In case you missed the changes to the Events process, please check out page 7 of the Jan 2025 newsletter at
CarrierCon Prop & Weapon Policy:
Historic, WWII aircraft carrier USS Hornet is a National and State Historic Landmark and a fickle mistress when it comes to what can or can’t work on board. As such, we ask that all attendees adhere to the following rules in addition to our General Code of Conduct.
All functioning bags (regardless if part of a cosplay or not) must meet bag size restrictions of 12”x 8”x 12”. This is to help you fit through hatches.
All clothing and costumes must be appropriate under Alameda County and California public decency laws and all private parts must be covered. There should be no chance of slippage or gaps. Additionally:
- Shoes must be worn at all times. Closed-toed, comfortable shoes are recommended as staircases can be steep and the ship is large, requiring a lot of walking. It may be difficult to walk in heels!
- Undergarments of any kind (bras, panties, boxers, etc.) should not be visible.
- Skirts/shorts should completely cover the derriere.
- Tops should not be so low cut as to reveal undergarments or excessive décolletage.
- Bare midriff is allowed as long as the rest of the outfit conforms to all other listed requirements.
- Topless or open shirt cosplay is not permissible.
- Cosplay involving one-piece Japanese bathing suits (sukumizu) may be worn under other clothing and revealed for photos only.
- While military uniforms and costumes inspired by the military – both the U.S. and abroad – are welcome, anyone wearing swastikas or other Nazi party regalia or costuming of any other hate group will be immediately ejected.
- All props must be under 6’4” in height and 36” in width. Non-functioning bags (cannot be opened or used to store items) are considered props and must meet these requirements as well. Exceptions may be made for modular props which can be taken apart and put back together.
- All props must be examined by CarrierCon staff for safety and tagged at the Peace Bonding station. Real weapons, props that are too realistic, or props that are deemed dangerous may not be permitted.
- Props must be carried carefully and in a neutral position, especially in crowded areas. Long or tall props are to be carried vertically and swords or guns should be holstered or otherwise secured.
- Misuse of any prop will result in immediate revocation of privileges. Props are not to be used in a threatening manner towards any person.
- Functional weapons are not allowed. Weapon props created out of plastic, cardboard, foam, or other such materials are permissible provided they are not too realistic in appearance or dangerous. Projectile guns (even if non-functional), replica guns, swords with metal and other weapons that have metal components are not allowed. Please note all props must conform to the aforementioned height/width dimensions.
Referred by: Previous participation
RSVP Date (Notify Event Requester by): Saturday February 22, 2025
We need a minimum of 2 troopers, 1 handler, and a team lead signed up by this date. Otherwise, the appearance times may be shortened/consolidated OR this event will be declined by the RSVP date or at least two weeks before the event. If we RSVP yes, forum signups will remain open until the day before the event.
Please state in the comments which of the shifts you’ll be volunteering. We need a minimum of 2 troopers and 1 handler for each shift. We need a minimum of 1 team lead, but can have different leads for different shifts.
Spreadsheet Link:
Team Lead(s):
Event Coordinator: Kyle Langdon
Pending RSVPs
Costume Ticket
- Adam Marshall - CT: 327th Star Corps Trooper
- Edwin Galarza - TB: Scout Trooper (ROTJ)
Costume Ticket
- Alex Madias (51001) - BH: Boba Fett ROTJ Hero
- Keita Moriwaki (3238) - IN: Imperial Nay Trooper (Dress Uniform)
- Shelley Hawkins (MW-96770) - MW: Death Watch
- Gordon Gooch (91640) - SL: Darth Vader ESB
- Jay Countryman (DZ-82756) - ST: Shoretrooper: Grunt
- Stacy Meyn (3773) - TI: TIE Pilot 181st
- Ricky Resurreccion (74259) - TI: TIE Fighter: Baron Valen Rudor
- Colin Adams (CT-25622) - TK: Stormtrooper ANH Stunt
- Joshua Cook (0398) - TK: Stormtrooper ANH Stunt Handler Ticket
- Alex Madias Photographer Ticket
- Alex Madias
I would like to troop 12:00 to 2:00, but happy to do a different shift if ended.
I’ll say for now as a placeholder 9 AM to 2 PM, but could probably extend as needed. Can also adjust to ID or IC at TL’s discretion.
TI plz n thx. Handler if needed. Time TBD.
I will be there all day but have obligations with another club. Would prefer to costume from 12-2 or 2-4.
I work early that morning and will be coming straight from work so I’d like to troop noon to 2pm please. As Tie Reserve I can help handler duty as needed please, thank you!
Vader morning shift
If there is no Team Lead for this event yet, I would like to take on the assignment.
Done, thank you!
I plan to troop as a Stormtrooper in the morning, with another club in the afternoon.
10 – 4
Boba Fett/Scout trooper
2:00 p.m. PT for Blue pilot
Also, I could bring the mouses droid.
First shift, 10-12pm for me. MIght extend to the second 12-2pm
Deathwatch, would prefer 12-2 but could do 2-4 instead if preferred..
TI for PM shift plz n thx. Noon to whenever.
I have a coworker who wants to attend with me. We’re in process of getting her ID tailored, but it probably won’t be done and approved in time. She is willing to work as a handler for us, but I’m not sure how or if I can add her to our presence. Just want to let you know we’ll have at least one extra handler on hand.
Hi Keita, handlers need to go through our handler training call (unfortunately the next one isn’t until April 1) and sign up for an RSVP on the forum. Your coworker is certainly welcome to attend the con as an individual, but without membership or handler training call we’ll ask that she’s not part of our official presence, doesn’t access the dressing room spaces, etc. Thanks