Date(s) - 2024-12-14
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
San Jose CHP Office
Categories No Categories
Event Name: SJ Area California Highway Patrol Kids Holiday Party
Venue: San Jose CHP Office
Venue address: 2020 Junction Ave, San Jose, CA 95131
Event Start: 9:30am
Event End: 1pm
Arrival Time: 8:30am
Requested number of characters: 4+
Requested character types: Rex, Fives, Emperor, Jawas, Darth Vader, Stormtroopers, any
Secure changing/staging area: Yes
Handler/Photographer: Yes
Weapons/Masks: No blasters
Amenities available at venue: Mens/Womens Locker rooms – OR – small gymnasium (where you were last year)
Donations: CHP Widows and Orphans Fund
This is a holiday party for CHP and other local first responder families
Referred by: CHP Officer Kirk Griess Memorial Service in 2018 – and you’ve been to our events before
GGG Event Coordinator: Kevin Dizon
Booking Deadline: 12/8/24
NOTE: If we do not get minimum of 2 troopers and 1 handler, we will decline this event.
Decline Date2024-12-08
Costume Ticket
- Gordon Gooch (91640) - SL: Darth Vader ESB
- Jay Countryman (DZ-82756) - ST: Shoretrooper: Grunt
- Stacy Meyn (3773) - TI: TIE Pilot 181st
- Tracy Newby (727) - TI: TIE Pilot: 181st Handler Ticket
- Stacy Meyn
- Tracy Newby
Sign ups are closed for this trooping event.
TI and/or handler plz/thx.
In for TI-181st and Handler please!
I can Handle for this Event =)
I’m in as a Shoretrooper.
In as Darth Vader
A donation has been made in our name to UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Thank you troopers for supporting this event!
Sorry, have to cancel. Got stuck working. Got two people out sick at my job not happy.