Date(s) - 2024-12-14
10:30 am - 3:30 pm
San Jose CHP Office
Event Name: Cops Care Cancer Foundation’s Fantasy Flight
Venue: San Jose Police Air Hanger at San Jose International Airport
Venue address: 2385 Airport Blvd, San Jose, CA 95131
Event Start: 10:30am
Event End: 3:30pm
Arrival Time: 9am
Requested number of characters: 8-10
Requested character types: Rex, Fives, Emperor, Jawas, Darth Vader, Stormtroopers, any
Secure changing/staging area: Yes
Handler/Photographer: Yes
Weapons/Masks: TBD
Donations: Cops Care Cancer Foundation
Fantasy Flight is our annual holiday event for children with cancer.
Referred by: Partnered together for many years 🙂
GGG Event Coordinator: Kevin Dizon
Booking Deadline: 12/7/24
NOTE: If we do not get minimum of 2 troopers and 1 handler, we will decline this event.
Decline Date2024-12-07
Costume Ticket
- Gynnie Lindquist (82247) - DZ: Gamorrean Guard
- Jenn Lee (TK-32768) - DZ: Jawa
- Veko Vahamaki (ID-27771) - ID: Imperial Military Officer (Non-Saga)
- Ed DaSilva (4878) - ID: Imperial Officer (Black)
- Matthew Malmgren (Tb-18901) - TB: Scout Trooper (ROTJ)
- Diana Wolf Torres - TK: Stormtrooper ANH Stunt
- Dito Milian (ID91170) - TK: Stormtrooper ANH Stunt
- Liz Milian (TK-51723) - TK: Stormtrooper ESB
- Ricky Resurreccion (74259) - TS: Snowtrooper
Sign ups are closed for this trooping event.
Signing up as TK. If we don’t get a handler, I’ll switch over to officer. Also volunteering as Team Lead.
Jenn Lee DZ-32768 SoCal Garrison – LA Squad
Signing up as officer so I can also be handler for the team. If we have enough handlers I can switch to TK
This will be my first troop as an imperial officer. I will not be a handler (not trained yet). Looking forward to meeting everyone.