[2024-11-9] San Francisco WALK to End Hydrocephalus | SF| SAT Nov 9 | 10:30 am-1:00 pm

In by Liz Milian4 Comments

Date(s) - 2024-11-09
10:30 am - 1:00 pm

Crissy field

Categories No Categories

[2024-11-9] San Francisco WALK to End Hydrocephalus | SF| SAT Nov 9 | 10:30 am-1:00 pm

Event Name: San Francisco WALK to End Hydrocephalus

Team Lead: Liz Milian

Venue: Crissy Field East Bay Beach Parking lot

Event Call-Time/Time to arrive: 9:30 am

Appearance time: 10:30 am – 1 pm

Note from ER: Registration opens at 10am. Participants will be start walking around 11:15 am and return from 12-1 pm.

 Event Website: https://secure2.convio.net/hydro/site/TR/WALK/General?fr_id=2192&pg=entry

 Expected number of attendees: 100

 Requested number of characters: 2+

 Requested character types: Any

 Secure changing/staging area:  ER has a tent without walls, so we need to bring our own tent. Otherwise ER will be renting a box truck (12′) with a ramp and that will be parked right on site so that is an option to change and leave the bins inside. 

 Handler/Photographer: Yes

 Weapons/Masks: Yes

 Parking:There is a parking lot next to the venue, as well as street parking. Parking is free and there is a ton of space all around the lot we will be in, but I can also make sure to mark a spot with cones if needed. It is recommended that you allow plenty of time for parking.

Directions to Parking Lot: https://www.google.com/maps?ll=37.805436,-122.451892&z=15&t=m&hl=en-US&gl=US&mapclient=embed&q=Jauss+St+San+Francisco,+CA+94123

Amenities: Public restrooms, as well as ADA portable toilet will be available. Snacks such as fruit and granola bars, as well as bottled water will be available.

 Comments: This is a charity walk put on by the Hydrocephalus Association, which raises money for hydrocephalus awareness.

 Referred by:  501st Legion members came out to our 2019, 2021, and 2023 walks. We would love to have you back for our 2024 Walk – the kids love you! Thank you!

 Event Coordinator: Liz Milian

Decline Date


    Costume Ticket
  • Gynnie Lindquist (82247) - DZ: Narkina 5 Inmate
  • Ricky Resurreccion (74259) - TI: TIE Pilot
  • Sha Sha Chu (TK-19233) - TK: Stormtrooper
  • Jason Leung (TK-23088) - TK: Stormtrooper ANH Stunt
  • Liz Milian (TK-51723) - TK: Stormtrooper ESB


Sign ups are closed for this trooping event.

Notes from the Troopers


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