[2024-11-29] Niles Festival of Lights Parade | Fremont | Fri 29-Nov 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM

In by Kyle Langdon5 Comments

Date(s) - 2024-11-29
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm


Event Name: Niles Festival of Lights Parade

Venue (Route): Niles Blvd.

Event Website: https://www.nilesfestivaloflightsparade.org/

Expected number of attendees: 10,000

Parade time: 6:30pm – 7:30pm, we won’t know our exact step off time until closer to the parade.

Requested number of characters: 10-25
Requested character types: Any
Secure changing/staging area: Veterans Hall is located at 37154 2nd St, Fremont, CA 94536, open at 4:40pm
Handler/Photographer: Yes
Weapons/Masks: No blasters, other props & lightsabers are fine

Parking: Free parking in the parking lot, more details will be provided closer to the event date.
Participant parking is located on side streets, not in the staging area, or in the railroad depot at the
corner of Sullivan Underpass and Mission Boulevard. (see maps provided). Limited parking is also
available off Nursery Avenue and in the public parking lots off Niles Boulevard near the Niles Train Car.
Also near Niles Elementary School and streets around the school.


Niles Blvd and the staging streets close at 3:00pm, expect heavy traffic into Niles and more road closures as it gets closer to the start of the parade.


Referred by: Previous parade participation

RSVP Date:
Notify Event Requester by: Sunday November 17

Holiday Parade Special Info: Holiday themed additions are permitted (lights, bells, Santa hats, candy canes, etc.) Costume replacements (changing color of cloaks, helmets, hats, etc.) are NOT PERMITTED.

This event will be declined if we do not have a minimum of 8 troopers and EITHER 2 handlers or 1 open face trooper and 1 handler signed up in the ticket system by the RSVP date or at least two weeks before the event.

***If you are signing up as a specific named character please note you might not be picked if other people sign up with the same named character. If you have an alternate character from the one you chose when taking a ticket please mention it in the comments***

Please bring a flashlight!

Parking Lot Open Time: 
Street parking
Parking Address: Street parking
Changing Area Open Time:
Changing Area / Meeting Point Address: Veterans Hall is located at 37154 2nd St, Fremont, CA 94536
Staging Area Call Time (in costume & in marching order): Handler check in by 5:30pm, troopers might be able to get to staging area slightlky later
Staging Area Location: E Street
Estimated Step Off Time: The parade starts at 6:30pm and we are group 42, so likely not stepping off until a bit later.

As this is a high profile event please review the garrison standards and practices forum post:

Team Lead: 
Event Coordinator: Kyle Langdon

Decline Date


    Costume Ticket
  • AJ Wu (2911) - ID: Imperial Officer (Black)
  • JUDITH GRIVICH (ID-6698) - ID: Imperial Officer (Black)
  • Keith Waechtler (5376) - IS: AT-ST Driver
  • Steve Silva (SL-80707) - SL: Darth Vader ANH
  • Omar Treyes (56072) - TB: Scout Trooper (ROTJ)
  • John Cambra (42111) - TD: Sandtrooper
  • Jason Leung (TK-23088) - TK: Stormtrooper ANH Stunt
  • Edward Karl (tk2304) - TK: Stormtrooper ESB
  • Handler Ticket
  • John Schlosser


Sign ups are closed for this trooping event.

Notes from the Troopers


  1. Steve Silva

    Mission Report

    Appearance Attendees were as listed in RSVPs above with the addition of two Cadet Members.

    AJ Wu – ID: Imperial Officer (Black)
    JUDITH GRIVICH – ID: Imperial Officer (Black)
    Keith Waechtler – IS: AT-ST Driver
    Steve Silva – SL: Darth Vader ANH
    Omar Treyes – TB: Scout Trooper (ROTJ)
    John Cambra – TD: Sandtrooper
    Jason Leung – TK: Stormtrooper ANH Stunt
    Edward Karl – TK: Stormtrooper ESB
    Handler Ticket
    John Schlosser
    John Schlosser’s Kiddos

    Troopers began arriving early (~3:30pm) at our greenroom location – Veterans Building. Event venue is through downtown Niles and greenroom location was approximately 1 block from starting location of parade. Parade route was one direction (away from greenroom) so returning to greenroom can be several blocks long. TL checked in with parade organizers upon arrival and was lead back to greenroom for access. GGG used large room at end of building while another group used smaller room. All Troopers were ready by 6:00pm. Parade organizer staff came to greenroom to retrieve Troopers (as previously planned ahead) at ~ 6:20pm. Since GGG was # 42, Troopers staged adjacent to greenroom until step-off at ~6:45pm.

    Troopers were well received as event drew a large number of public in attendance. Following completion of parade route, Troopers returned to greenroom (~5 blocks) along sidewalk on street parallel to parade route. Troopers were able to continue without stopping and Handler and Imperial Officers had flashlights. No issues were encountered for event. Face characters greatly helped during and after parade.

    All Troopers vacated greenroom building by approximately 8:30pm.

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