[2024-08-17] Galaxy Con 2024 | San Jose | Sat Aug 17

In by Gynnie Lindquist27 Comments

Date(s) - 2024-08-17
10:00 am - 8:00 pm


This page is for: Saturday Aug 17, 2024 ONLY

Galaxy Con 2024 will be Friday August 16, 2024 through Sunday August 18, 2024.

Event Name: Galaxy Con San Jose
Venue: San Jose McEnery Convention Center
Venue address: 150 W San Carlos St, San Jose, CA 95113
Event Website: https://galaxycon.com/pages/galaxycon-san-jose
Ticket Presale: https://galaxycon.com/pages/galaxycon-san-jose-tickets

Member Tickets: We will have 20 tickets per day for members to share. You will need to check out tickets and return at the end of the night to be used the next day. We want to make sure as many people can go as possible. GGG members will get first priority. We will try to accommodate nonmember handlers and visiting members if extra tickets are available. Tickets are NOT available for family and friends.

Friday 2pm to 8pm
Saturday 10am to 8pm
Sunday 10am to 6pm

We need to attend/staff our booth for the full duration that the show floor is open. We need a minimum of 2 troopers and 1 handler or open face trooper signed up for shifts by the RSVP date to confirm that we can staff a booth space.

Garrison Photos: Everyday at 2p and 6p


  • Market & San Pedro Square Garage – 45 N. Market St.
  • Convention Center Garage – 150 W. San Carlos Street
  • Third Street Garage – 95 N. Third Street
  • Fourth Street Garage – 44 S. Fourth St.
  • Second & San Carlos Street Garage – 280 S. Second St
  • Fourth & St. John Garage – 50 N. Fourth St.
  • City Hall Garage – 200 E. Santa Clara Street.

Requested number of characters: Any
Requested character types: Any
Secure changing/staging area: Pipe & Drape changing room behind our booth. Convention center will be locked and attended by security overnight, however, our individual booth and changing area will not be locked in an additional area.
Handler/Photographer: Yes, please sign up for tickets

Including reproduction, 3D-printed, fake, or toy guns that can be confused for functional firearms regardless of the materials used to make it.

NO laser pointers. If you have a laser pointer in your prop, make sure it cannot function by either removing the batteries, or simply not bringing it.
For more information visit: Safety Policies (galaxycon.com)

Signup Instructions:

  1. Please sign up for a costume or handler ticket on the forum event for each day that you are attending.
  2. Please leave a comment on the forum event for each day which shift & role (costume, handler, etc.) you are signing up for. (See examples below)
    1. Shifts may fill up quick, please post 2nd and 3rd choices or if you are available for multiple shifts
    2. Lead characters (Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, Din Djarin) MUST sign up for a shift to allow other members the opportunity to suit up.
  3. Costume/handler tickets will not be approved unless you also indicate which shift you are signing up for.

Please state in the comments which of the shifts you’ll be volunteering. We need a minimum of 2 troopers and 1 handler for each shift. If you need to change your shift, please contact the team lead BEFORE your shift starts. 
1. Available in costume from 2p-4p or 4p-6p. Ticket not needed.
2. Available for setup and table duty 12p-2p, costume from 4p-6p. Requesting a ticket.
3. Available from 12p-6p, please schedule as needed for table or costume. No ticket needed.

Shift assignments (READ ONLY):GalaxyCon 2024.xlsx Click HERE

Signup for a 2 hour shift to receive TOD credit.
2 HR Costume photo booth for Costume TOD credit or
2 HR table duty/handler/setup/teardown for Non-costume TOD Credit

GGG Events planned: Garrison Photos: Everyday at 2p and 6p

Have a question: Contact Gynnie Linquist DIRECTLY!!! 831-840-5788. Call, text, FB messenger, fax, hologram, morse code, messenger droids, message in a bottle and smoke signals ONLY!! Comments can get buried here, so don’t complain if you don’t get a response right away. 

Event Coordinator: Kyle Langdon & Gynnie Lindquist

Decline Date


    Costume Ticket
  • Thomas Alexander (TK-20490) - BH: Din Djarin (BOBF)
  • Timothy Burke (ID-17557) - DZ: Jawa
  • Gynnie Lindquist (82247) - DZ: Narkina 5 Inmate
  • Jay Countryman (DZ-82756) - DZ: Tusken Raider ANH
  • Jonathan Chew (ID-7853) - IC: Imperial Crew: Bridge Crew
  • Brandy Rodriguez (IC-32071) - IC: Imperial Crew: Death Star Scientist
  • Diana Wolf Torres - ID: Dedra Meero
  • Lauren Montanelli (TK-27271) - ID: Imperial Officer
  • Sara Bermudez (n/a) - ID: Imperial Security Bureau (non-saga)
  • Kyle Langdon (TI-15926) - IG: Imperial Gunner
  • Andrew Lichtenhan - SL: Darth Maul
  • Reno Rodriguez (TK11369) - SL: Darth Vader: ROTJ
  • Mark Preader (SL-12509) - SL: Emperor Palpatine (Black Sith Robe)
  • David Craig (9349) - TB: Scout Trooper (ROTJ)
  • Edwin Galarza (Tk-10542) - TB: Scout Trooper (ROTJ)
  • Abigail Garcia (Not Officially Set yet) - TI: TIE Pilot ANH
  • Manuel Pinto (TK-56071) - TI: TIE Pilot ANH
  • Ricky Resurreccion (74259) - TI: TIE Fighter: Baron Valen Rudor
  • John Cambra (42111) - TK: Stormtrooper ANH Stunt
  • Costume Ticket (Visting Member)
  • Eric Berumen (DS-33384) - DS: Kylo Ren: The Force Awakens
  • Handler Ticket
  • Daniel Barnett
  • Debbie Gjerde
  • Erich Bitonio
  • Jason Goldman-Hall
  • Sara Bermudez


Sign ups are closed for this trooping event.

Notes from the Troopers


  1. Jay Countryman

    Signing up as Tusken, but can also do Shoretrooper. I have a three day pass and am staying at the Hyatt, so don’t need an entry pass and very flexible on shifts. Desired shift: 12-2, but would like to also do a second shift 4-6. Alternate shifts: 6-8 or 10-12. Can also help with setup and table duties if needed.

  2. Mark Preader

    I will be there all three days and can do any shift needed. I already have a ticket for the whole weekend. I’ll be arriving early Saturday morning before it opens also.

  3. Abigail Garcia

    I work in the morning but will get there late afternoon I can help at the table for a shift at around 5pm please and I can costume as Tie Pilot or Tie Reserve during that time as well after 5pm, thank you

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