Date(s) - 2024-07-20
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Event Name: Apollo 11 Splashdown
Venue: USS Hornet
Venue address: 707 West Hornet Ave, Alameda
Appearance Call-Time: 0.5 – 1 hour before your start time.
Appearance Start: 10:00am
Appearance End: 5:00pm
Event Website:Splashdown 55 Apollo 11 Anniversary – USS Hornet Museum (
Expected number of attendees: 1000
Requested number of characters: Any
Requested character types: Any
Secure changing/staging area: Yes
Handler/Photographer: Yes
Weapons/Masks: No restrictions
Parking: Free. Please park in the large lot, NOT in the spaces alongside the ship.
Comments: Apollo 11 Splashdown 55th anniversary event: Space and Robotic themed event for families on the USS Hornet Museum.
Referred by: Worked with you before.
RSVP Date: up to July 19 is ok.
The appearance times will be shortened/consolidated or this event will be declined if we do not have a minimum of 2 troopers and 1 handler or open face trooper signed up for shifts by the RSVP date or at least two weeks before the event.
Please state in the comments which of the shifts you’ll be volunteering. We need a minimum of 2 troopers and 1 handler for each shift.
10AM – 12:30PM
Handler- Heather
Costume- Gordon, Ricky,Rhaniel,Manuel
3:00PM – 5:00PM
Handler- Stacy Meyn
Costume- Stacy Meyn
Team Leader:Event Coordinator: Alex Boersma
Decline Date2024-07-19
Costume Ticket
- Gordon Gooch (91640) - SL: Darth Vader ESB
- Manuel Pinto (TK-56071) - TI: TIE Pilot ANH
- Tracy Newby (727) - TI: TIE Pilot: 181st
- Ricky Resurreccion (74259) - TI: TIE Fighter: Vult Skerris
- Stacy Meyn (3773) - TI: TIE Pilot
- Rhaniel Pamintuan (SL-11194) - TK: Stormtrooper ANH Stunt Handler Ticket
- Angela Pamintuan
- Heather Pinto
- Tracy Newby
- Stacy Meyn Photographer Ticket
- Heather Pinto
Sign ups are closed for this trooping event.
In as Vader first shift
Shift pending timing with Relay for Life.
In as ANH TIE Pilot for the 10am-12:30 shift
Aiming for the 1500-1700 slot as TI or handler, whichever is needed.
Will do the morning shift.
Handler/photographer 1st shift
Available for morning shift. ANH TIE Pilot.
Will be available as ANH TK for the morning shift. 10 AM to 12:30 PM please. Thank you!
Available as handler from 10 AM to 12:30 PM. Thank you!