Date(s) - 2024-07-13
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Willow Glen Funeral Home
Event Name: Kevin Kawamoto Funeral Service
Venue: Willow Glen Funeral Home
Venue address: 1039 Lincoln Ave, San Jose, CA 95125
Arrival Time: 10am
Event Start: 11am
Event End: 1pm
Expected number of attendees: 100
Requested number of characters: 3
Requested character types: Any (Open for any characters ie. Darth Vader, Stormtroopers)- would love some TKs tho!
Secure changing/staging area: Yes
Handler/Photographer: TBD
Weapons/Masks: Yes
ER would like the troopers to processing from front room to another room and “standing guard”.
Referred by: Emperor (KJN Mark Preader)
GGG Event Coordinator: Kevin Dizon
Booking Deadline: 7/09/24
Incoming Transmission: if a minimum of 2 troopers and 1 handler is not met, we will decline this event.
Decline Date
Costume Ticket
- Ezekiel Eason (TK-99195) - SL: Darth Maul: Black Sun
- Mark Preader (SL-12509) - SL: Emperor Palpatine (Black Sith Robe)
- John Schlosser (2948) - TB: Scout Trooper (ROTJ)
- Lauren Montanelli (TK-27271) - TK: Stormtrooper ANH Hero
- Renaldo Mandi (24365) - TK: Stormtrooper ANH Stunt Handler Ticket
- Daniel Barnett
This trooping event is fully booked.
The Emperor will be there.
I will be there as a biker.. I can be outside pointing people in.