[2023-06-24] Brick Fest Live – San Mateo | San Mateo | Sat 24-Jun 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

In by Kyle Langdon10 Comments

Date(s) - 2023-06-24
9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Event Name: Brick Fest Live San Mateo
Venue: San Mateo County Fairgrounds Expo Hall
Venue address: 2495 S. Delaware St, San Mateo, CA 94403
Appearance Call-Time: 0.5 – 1 hour before your start time. Venue/changing room access at 8:00am
Appearance Start: 9:00am
Appearance End: 5:00pm
Two-Hour Appearance (if we can’t do all day): 11:00am – 1:00pm
Event Website: https://www.brickfestlive.com/bfl-2022-2023
Expected number of attendees: 8000
Requested number of characters: 20
Requested character types: Any
Secure changing/staging area: Yes. They will provide a 10 ft. x 20 ft. pipe & drape room.
Handler/Photographer: Yes
Weapons/Masks: Lightsabers ok. Blasters that are obviously props are allowed. Blasters that look like real guns are not allowed.
Parking: They have a limited number of parking passes but won’t have more info until closer to the show. General parking is $20.


Referred by: 

RSVP Date: Monday May 15, 2023.

The appearance times will be shortened/consolidated or this event will be declined if we do not have a minimum of 2 troopers and 1 handler or open face trooper signed up for shifts by the RSVP date or at least two weeks before the event.

Please state in the comments which of the shifts you’ll be volunteering. We need a minimum of 2 troopers and 1 handler for each shift.

Exhibitor badges will be provided for everyone signed up for a shift. These passes are good for the full weekend.

This is a two-day event. Bins can stay in our changing room overnight. Brick Fest management will be the last to leave the building each night and there will be security.

9am – 11am


11am- 1pm **ER Preferred window if we can’t do all day**
Kyle Langdon
Brandy Rodriguez


Sharon Shaw – DZ: Qi’Ra
Christopher Speer – RC: Republic Commando
Tony Williams – SL: Darth Vader
Edwin Galarza – TB: Scout Trooper
Omar Treyes – TB: Scout Trooper
Sara Bermudez – TB: Scout Trooper
Liz Milian – TK: Stormtrooper
Reno Rodriguez – TK: Stormtrooper





Team Lead:
Event Coordinator: Kyle Langdon

Decline Date


    Costume Ticket
  • Sharon Shaw (dz-10898) - DZ: Qi'Ra
  • Christopher Speer (AR-10991) - RC: Republic Commando
  • Tony Williams (TK4446) - SL: Darth Vader
  • Edwin Galarza (Tk-10542) - TB: Scout Trooper
  • Omar Treyes (56072) - TB: Scout Trooper
  • Sara Bermudez (n/a) - TB: Scout Trooper
  • Liz Milian (TK-51723) - TK: Stormtrooper
  • Reno Rodriguez (TK11369) - TK: Stormtrooper
  • Handler Ticket
  • Brandy Rodriguez
  • Kyle Langdon


Sign ups are closed for this trooping event.

Notes from the Troopers


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