Date(s) - 2019-12-14
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
SAP Center
Event Name: Star Wars Night @ San Jose Sharks
Venue: SAP Center – San Jose
Venue address: 525 West Santa Clara Street
San Jose, CA 95113
Event Start: December 14, 2019 – 6:00P | CALL TIME @ 4:30P
Event End: December 14, 2019 – 10:00P
Expected number of attendees: 17,500
Requested number of characters: 50 | Open Invite
Requested character types: SL TK TD BH TB TI TR ID TS | ALL
Secure changing/staging area: Yes
Handler/Photographer: Yes
Weapons/Blasters: Yes
Donations: N/A
San Jose Sharks Star Wars Night 2019Location: SAP Center 525 W Santa Clara St. San Jose CA 95113
Parking location and details: Parking is free-groups will be directed to park in the employee lot-TBD on exact location-will send details once confirmed.
Event Date: Saturday, December 14, 2019
Event Start Time and End Time: 6:00pm-10:00pm
Call Time: 4:30pm
Changing Room Details: Rinkside Room, large open space with tables/chairs and storage area, carpeted, drapes are available for changing areas if needed
Maximum Number Invited: 50Notes from the organizer:
1. Most of the appearances will be throughout the arena pre-game and during the first intermission. I would like some participants that are willing to be in the arena bowl for some camera appearances with in-game hosts if any are willing to participate.
2. Parking is subject to change. When/if it changes I will send update-of course Parking will be free.
3. Participants will have to check in through our security entrance and bring ID and have bins/items searched before permitted to enter. The call time is 4:30pm, but please allow time to check in and find the security entrance-located beneath the ABC parking lot on W. St John St. (will send map later to groups)
4. Food and Drinks will be provided-this is a long event, so there will be time to break for food/water.
Referred By: The San Jose Sharks offer an open invite to costumed fan groups to attend their event this December 14th, This is approved by Lucasfilm.
RSVP Date: Friday, November 30, 2019
- Adam Goetz – SL
- Brent Wilkinson – TK
- Jeremi Aguas – TK
- Paulette Wilkinson – TB
- Avery Owen – TB
- Kris Yalung – TB or TK
- Jenn Chase – Handler
- Ricky Resurreccion – TX
- Robert Stevenson – TK
- David Lish – TK or ST
- Brian Raabe – TK
- Reno Rodriguez – SL
- Gordon Gooch – SL
- Sara Bermudez – DZ or Handler
- Danny Feraren – ST
- Alex Cruz – BH
- Robert John – Handler
- Chris Greene – SL
- Cris Knight – TS
- Jason Goldman-Hall – RC
- Gary Crowell – TK
- Cesar Maravilla – TK
- Cera Renault – Handler
- Patti Memory-Crowell – Handler
- Edgar Buenrostro – Handler
- Brandy Rodriguez – Handler
- Rick Maravilla – TK
- Dito Milian – TK
- Garrett Steele – ST
- Omar Treyes – TB
- Matthew Rogers – TS
- David Nguyen – TK
- Jim Raley – TK
- Angelica Hoke – Handler
As this is a high profile event please review the garrison standards and practices forum post:
Event Coordinator: Brent Wilkinson
Decline Date2019-12-14
Costume Ticket
- Alex Cruz (12750) - BH: Boba Fett
- Adam Goetz - DS: Kylo Ren
- Sara Bermudez (n/a) - DZ: Jawa
- Jason Goldman-Hall (RC-30413) - RC: Republic Commando
- Chuck Marshall (32117) - SL: Darth Maul
- Christopher Greene - SL: Darth Vader
- Gordon Gooch (91640) - SL: Darth Vader
- Reno Rodriguez (TK11369) - SL: Darth Vader
- Mark Preader (SL-12509) - SL: Emperor Palpatine
- Garrett Steele (52876) - ST: Shoretrooper
- Avery Owen (TB-91094) - TB: Scout Trooper
- Omar Treyes (56072) - TB: Scout Trooper
- Paulette Wilkinson - TB: Scout Trooper
- Danny Feraren (ST 11518) - TI: First Order
- Amanda Harrington (22483) - TI: Reserve Pilot
- Maricela Garcia (TI-93530) - TI: Tie Pilot
- Gynnie Lindquist (82247) - TI: Tie Pilot - 181st
- Brent Wilkinson - TK: Stormtrooper
- Brian Raabe - TK: Stormtrooper
- Cesar Maravilla (TK-15666) - TK: Stormtrooper
- David Lish (TK62600) - TK: Stormtrooper
- David Nguyen (9604) - TK: Stormtrooper
- Dito Milian (ID91170) - TK: Stormtrooper
- Gary Crowell (TK22019) - TK: Stormtrooper
- Jeremi Aguas (TK-20021) - TK: Stormtrooper
- Jim Raley - TK: Stormtrooper
- Rick Maravilla (TK-12177) - TK: Stormtrooper
- Robert Stevenson (TK-10510) - TK: Stormtrooper
- Cris Knight (770) - TS: Snowtrooper
- Matthew Rogers (TS-3946) - TS: Snowtrooper
- Ricky Resurreccion (74259) - TX: Mudtrooper
- Javier Paz - TX: Special Operations Handler Ticket
- Alex Cruz
- Angelica Hoke
- Brandy Rodriguez
- David Chase
- Jenn Chase
- Jason Goldman-Hall
- Gary Crowell
Sign ups are closed for this trooping event.
Kylo Ren please
ANH stormtrooper
in for TB or maybe TK.
In as TK
In as Vader
In as ANH TK or Squad Leader ST
TX or whichever is required for as long as I can provide. 😉
In as a possible Vader
Jawa or handler, I’m flexible
Cera would like to handle.
In as a TK
Can you sign up Edgar Buenrostro for handler please
Oh and sign me up for TK?
Rick Maravilla – tk
At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
The headliner of EP. 9 will be there,
Sorry, overbooked and must cxl.
Hi guys. I had a family commitment come up. Please pull me off the list.
If it is still possible. My wife Davina (Handler) and I would like to join this event. I noticed there isnt any officers. If it is not possible. No Worries.
Sorry Antony unfortunately we had to provide the list of attendees to the Sharks by November 30th.
I found out I’ll have to work that day so I won’t be able to make it.
Ops Orders Sent!
Need to withdraw from troop!