[2019-11-09 | 10th Anniversary Lafayette Library and Learning Center Celebration! | Lafayette | SAT Nov 9 | 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm

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Date(s) - 2019-11-09
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Lafaytte Library & Learning Center


[2019-11-09 | 10th Anniversary Lafayette Library and Learning Center Celebration! | Lafayette | SAT Nov 9 | 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm


Event Name: 10th Anniversary Lafayette Library and Learning Center Celebration!

Venue / Facility Name: Lafaytte Library & Learning Center

Venue Address: 3491 Mt. Diablo Blvd.

Lafayette, CA 94549

United States of America

Event Website URL: http://ccclib.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=190397

Event Date and Time

Start Date: 11/09/2019

End Date:

Start Time: 12:00 PM

End Time: 03:00 PM

Attendees and Characters

Number of characters requested: 4 to 6

Approximate number of event attendees: 200

Characters Requested: Any, Stormtroopers, Boba Fett, Tie Fighter Pilots

Other (please explain):

Are there any restrictions on our troopers bringing blasters and/or wearing helmets?: No

Can we bring non-costumed handlers to help our troopers dress and watch out for tripping hazards and the like?: Yes

Can we bring a garrison photographer to document the event for our archives?: Yes

Can you provide a secure changing/staging area to accommodate costumed attendees?: YES


Please briefly describe the event: 10th Anniversary Lafayette Library and Learning Center Celebration!

You are invited to a special celebration of the Lafayette Library and Learning Center.

12PM Festivities start with live music and cake in the Don Tatzin Community Hall

Storytime with children’s authors Oliver Chin, Marcia Goldman (& Lola), Michael Slack, Jim Averbeck and Bob Barner. Check back for the schedule.

Books available for purchase by Bel and Bunna’s Books.

Food & Beverages: Lafayette Rotary Club barbecue, snacks, and drinks available for purchase. Peet’s Coffee will be here serving free coffee.

Activities include VR, rocket making, photo booth, and much more!


Charitable Donation

Learn more about donating!:

Charitable Organization: Make-a-Wish

Other (please explain):

Pledge Amount: 100.00


How did you hear about us?: Have had you as invited guests before (comicfest, makerfest, etc.)

Decline Date


    Costume Ticket
  • Brett A. Fishkin - BH: Dengar
  • Colin Adams (CT-25622) - TC: Clone Trooper
  • Jessica Fishkin (TS33610) - TS: Snowtrooper


Sign ups are closed for this trooping event.

Notes from the Troopers


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